Atjaunojamās enerģijas risinājumi ilgtspējīgai nākotnei

Vadošais atjaunojamās tehnoloģijas un enerģijas risinājumu piegādātājs Latvijā.

Par BH Wholesale

BH Wholesale mēs specializējamies novatorisku atjaunojamo tehnoloģiju un enerģijas risinājumu nodrošināšanā, apņemoties ilgtspēju un izcilību apkalpošanā.

A landscape featuring a large solar panel array in the foreground, with a modern wind turbine to the left. Behind the renewable energy installations, an industrial facility with multiple chimneys and storage tanks is visible under a clear blue sky.
A landscape featuring a large solar panel array in the foreground, with a modern wind turbine to the left. Behind the renewable energy installations, an industrial facility with multiple chimneys and storage tanks is visible under a clear blue sky.
Several rows of solar panels are arranged on a grassy hillside, surrounded by dense green trees, suggesting a focus on renewable energy.
Several rows of solar panels are arranged on a grassy hillside, surrounded by dense green trees, suggesting a focus on renewable energy.
A clear blue sky provides the backdrop for a modern renewable energy setup featuring a wind turbine and solar panels. The sleek, geometric arrangement of solar panels reflects light while the blades of the wind turbine cut through the sky above.
A clear blue sky provides the backdrop for a modern renewable energy setup featuring a wind turbine and solar panels. The sleek, geometric arrangement of solar panels reflects light while the blades of the wind turbine cut through the sky above.

Kas mēs esam

Latvijā bāzētais BH Wholesale ir veltīts augstas kvalitātes atjaunojamo enerģijas risinājumu piedāvāšanai, veicinot zaļāku nākotni uzņēmumiem un kopienām.

Atjaunojamie projekti

Izpētiet mūsu inovatīvos risinājumus atjaunojamajās tehnoloģijās un enerģijā.

A small wind turbine stands in the foreground, set against a rocky hillside with sparse vegetation and trees. Another turbine can be seen in the distance. The scene suggests renewable energy installations in a natural environment.
A small wind turbine stands in the foreground, set against a rocky hillside with sparse vegetation and trees. Another turbine can be seen in the distance. The scene suggests renewable energy installations in a natural environment.
Enerģijas risinājumi

Enerģijas pārveide ar ilgtspējīgu tehnoloģiju un inovatīvām praksēm.

a white car is at a gas pump
a white car is at a gas pump
Several wind turbines are positioned in a vast open field, with the sun partially obscured by one of the turbine blades. The sky is dotted with scattered clouds, allowing beams of sunlight to break through. The landscape appears serene and expansive, with the focus on renewable energy sources.
Several wind turbines are positioned in a vast open field, with the sun partially obscured by one of the turbine blades. The sky is dotted with scattered clouds, allowing beams of sunlight to break through. The landscape appears serene and expansive, with the focus on renewable energy sources.
Several large wind turbines are installed in the ocean, with clear blue skies above and the deep blue ocean below. The turbines are evenly spaced across the horizon, suggesting a wind farm dedicated to renewable energy generation.
Several large wind turbines are installed in the ocean, with clear blue skies above and the deep blue ocean below. The turbines are evenly spaced across the horizon, suggesting a wind farm dedicated to renewable energy generation.
Ilgtspējīgas iniciatīvas

Apņēmušies veicināt atjaunojamo enerģiju ilgtspējīgai nākotnei.

SIA BH Wholesale nodrošināja izcilus atjaunojamās enerģijas risinājumus, kas efektīvi pārveidoja mūsu uzņēmuma darbību.

A large wind turbine stands prominently against a partly cloudy sky. It towers above grassy hills, indicating a renewable energy source in a natural landscape.
A large wind turbine stands prominently against a partly cloudy sky. It towers above grassy hills, indicating a renewable energy source in a natural landscape.