Atjaunojamās enerģijas risinājumi

Mēs nodrošinām novatoriskas atjaunojamo tehnoloģiju un enerģijas risinājumus ilgtspējīgai uzņēmējdarbības praksei un izaugsmei.

Vairumtirdzniecības enerģijas produkti

Piedāvājam plašu atjaunojamās enerģijas produktu klāstu, kas pielāgots jūsu uzņēmuma vajadzībām.

Large wind turbines are standing on rolling hills under a cloudy sky. The landscape is expansive, with the turbines evenly spaced across the terrain, suggesting a focus on renewable energy.
Large wind turbines are standing on rolling hills under a cloudy sky. The landscape is expansive, with the turbines evenly spaced across the terrain, suggesting a focus on renewable energy.
Ilgtspējīgas tehnoloģiju pakalpojumi

Ekspertu pakalpojumi atjaunojamo tehnoloģiju ieviešanā, lai uzlabotu energoefektivitāti un ilgtspēju uzņēmumiem.

The image depicts a showroom or demonstration area showcasing various energy storage and conversion devices. Several white battery systems are stacked or aligned neatly. In the background, there is a diagram on the wall illustrating a solar energy system, including components like PV arrays, lithium batteries, inverters, and generators. A few blue battery cells are displayed on shelves to the right.
The image depicts a showroom or demonstration area showcasing various energy storage and conversion devices. Several white battery systems are stacked or aligned neatly. In the background, there is a diagram on the wall illustrating a solar energy system, including components like PV arrays, lithium batteries, inverters, and generators. A few blue battery cells are displayed on shelves to the right.
A landscape featuring numerous wind turbines on a grassy hill under a sky with a mix of clouds and blue. The road in the foreground leads towards the turbines, indicating a renewable energy installation in a rural area.
A landscape featuring numerous wind turbines on a grassy hill under a sky with a mix of clouds and blue. The road in the foreground leads towards the turbines, indicating a renewable energy installation in a rural area.

Pielāgoti enerģijas risinājumi, kas paredzēti veiktspējas optimizēšanai un izmaksu samazināšanai jūsu uzņēmuma darbībā.

Pielāgoti enerģijas risinājumi

Atjaunojamie projekti

Mēs specializējamies inovatīvos atjaunojamo tehnoloģiju un enerģijas risinājumu projektos.

An aerial view of a building with a large array of solar panels on its roof. The structure is surrounded by greenery, pathways, and some smaller structures or landscaped areas. The environment appears to be a mix of natural and man-made elements, suggesting a focus on sustainability.
An aerial view of a building with a large array of solar panels on its roof. The structure is surrounded by greenery, pathways, and some smaller structures or landscaped areas. The environment appears to be a mix of natural and man-made elements, suggesting a focus on sustainability.
Enerģijas risinājumi

Nodrošinām ilgtspējīgus enerģijas risinājumus dažādām nozarēm.

A field of wind turbines stretches across a vast landscape of lush green forest. The sky is clear with a few scattered clouds, and the turbines appear in neat rows, harnessing wind energy.
A field of wind turbines stretches across a vast landscape of lush green forest. The sky is clear with a few scattered clouds, and the turbines appear in neat rows, harnessing wind energy.
Tehnoloģiju integrācija

Modernu tehnoloģiju integrācija efektīvai enerģijas pārvaldībai.

A wind turbine and two solar panels are positioned against a backdrop of a bright blue sky with scattered white clouds.
A wind turbine and two solar panels are positioned against a backdrop of a bright blue sky with scattered white clouds.
A solar panel is positioned on a large rock near a body of water, suggesting energy harnessing in a natural setting.
A solar panel is positioned on a large rock near a body of water, suggesting energy harnessing in a natural setting.
Vairumtirdzniecības pakalpojumi

Piedāvājam vairumtirdzniecības atjaunojamās tehnoloģijas produktus uzņēmumiem.

Ilgtspējīga prakse

Veicinām ilgtspējīgu praksi enerģijas patēriņā un ražošanā.